Mass Shooting Victim

This story is from our Stories from the Frontlines of Clutter series where we take you behind the scenes on a typical day at Life Easier. Click here to read more. 

My client cried almost the entire time of my 45 minute consultation with her. A simple decluttering and organizing project, but her pain is so raw, so fresh and so incredibly deep, I just want to claw it out of her to give her some relief. I could tell this was more than simply the run of the mill depression or anxiety I deal with clients all the time. When she quietly revealed through her tears and snot what the real problem was, it felt like she had slapped me in the face.

Tragically, when my client was only 18, a shooter killed her mom in a mass shooting that shocked the nation. No wonder her emotions overwhelm her and every aspect of her life. This isn’t a project I will tackle alone; I will need a therapist’s assistance immediately to help her with her complicated grief and/or PTSD.

It’s heartbreaking to see the pain and suffering that this individual has endured for years. As someone who believes in the power of democracy, I can’t help but feel responsible for the failure of our country to prevent this tragedy. It’s clear that her children will also be impacted by this and my heart goes out to them.

It’s time for our society to re-evaluate our priorities and make sure that we’re doing everything we can to prevent senseless violence. We must take responsibility for our collective failure and work towards a future where everyone feels safe and valued.

Read more Stories from the Frontlines of Clutter


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