Baby Cuddles & The Sweetest Children
This story is from our Stories from the Frontlines of Clutter series where we take you behind the scenes on a typical day at Life Easier. Click here to read more.
I was trying to decide what else to add to this when there was a pad pad pad pad on the carpet behind me. Then Baby April began howling loudly.
Me – “What??” (Looking at her bubble of a bottom lip that was now protruding forward at whatever injustice I had done. Of course I was pretending to be exasperated.)
Baby April lifted her short meaty brown arms up and her sticky fingers stretched as hard as they could at me. “UP” she demanded.
Kenton walked in as I was picking up April and shifting her to my right hip. His five year old big brother’s hand slipped into my free left hand. “I like you Miss Heidi.”
Some days…I’d do this job for free.