This story is from our Stories from the Frontlines of Clutter series where we take you behind the scenes on a typical day at Life Easier. Click here to read more.
In a very posh neighborhood of Charlotte, a frustrated, adult-daughter who resides out-of-state convinced her 81 year old dad to meet me. That was in April.
No negotiating, no cajoling, no begging by her would convince him to hire me. Therefore, I waited patiently.
It wasn’t until this poor daughter who is a wife, mother and now dealing with bulldozing her primary home because it burned ? to the ground due to a lightning strike (no joke), finally threw up her hands a few days ago and told her dad “I’m hiring Heidi. I have enough to deal with here. She’s coming at 9 on Thursday. Just please answer the door and make sure the guardhouse knows to let her in.”
We made so much progress and had such a good time that I get to come back next week.
♥️ The End ?