
This story is from our Stories from the Frontlines of Clutter series where we take you behind the scenes on a typical day at Life Easier. Click here to read more. 

Me (smiling) – “Say it.”

I had just gotten done explaining my very best decluttering tip. The one tip I give to my one and only my VIP client – my Mom.

Mom (giggling and half pleading) -“But I can save them!”

She was clutching the carrot tops from her CSA share from two weeks ago. They had died and dried out on the counter squished between the plastic dish drying rack of my childhood and a wooden crate she had somehow acquired to store stuff in. They were so dead they crunched and had apparently seeded.

Me (smiling) – “Come on! Say it.”

Mom (she grinned wide, spun on her heel and marched out the door to the garage still clutching the dead plants)

Me (now yelling from the kitchen loud enough for her to hear me in the garage because, you see, we are old school here) – “Mom?!!! I can’t hear you!!!”

Mom (from the garage also yelling with a mixture of laughter) – “Ah screw it!”

I could see her from the open door to the garage walking to the compost bucket and dumping the greens on top. She walked back in with a big toothy grin.

Me (laughing) – “That’s it. Sometimes you just gotta say to yourself “screw it”. Besides, you get another share of carrots tomorrow anyway!”

Mom (clearly delighted)- “I’m saving those!”

Me – ?‍♀️

(She approved this post by the way.)

Read more Stories from the Frontlines of Clutter


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