Cato the Cat

This story is from our Stories from the Frontlines of Clutter series where we take you behind the scenes on a typical day at Life Easier. Click here to read more. 

?‍⬛ This is Cato.  If you were a Pink Panther fan back in the day you’ll know the reference of her name.  She is the tiniest adult cat I’ve ever seen.  When Cato meows, she opens her mouth and nothing comes out.  It’s a bit funny actually.  She, thus, makes absolutely no noise when she enters and slinks about a room.  I did quite well in winning Cato over, making sure not to let her escape outside and be mindful when moving about the house.  That is until I took a step back in mid conversation with Mr K, and felt the smallest cat paw get crushed under my tennis shoe heel ?.  I will say she made a lot of noise then ?.  And I, of course, was then chasing ?‍♂️ her all over the house trying to console her, because let’s face it…I’m a dog person and don’t know much about cats.   This chasing furthered her desire to limp run like a bat out of hell from me.  Poor Cato.  Sorry baby girl.  Ok when I return Monday, I will start again. ? ? 

Read more Stories from the Frontlines of Clutter


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