heidi reviewing documents at a desk

Part of What I Do

This story is from our Stories from the Frontlines of Clutter series where we take you behind the scenes on a typical day at Life Easier. Click here to read more. 

My client took this photo to send to her son.  Her husband handled all of their financial affairs.   She and I now hammer out her financial questions and tasks at the kitchen island, often drinking coffee and munching on Kirkland Pistachios from Costco.  She has ADHD, has an incredibly sharp mind and is wonderfully artistic/creative.  Sitting still during conf calls though is not possible for her.  Her husband died in October.

In the photo above, I am leading a conference call on her investment accounts working with one of her financial advisors (she has three plus a CPA) to consolidate all IRA and Non IRA accounts into her one favorite advisor, collecting all December 2022 statements so that her RMD’s can be tabulated for 2023, and explaining to the “mansplaining” financial advisor that he’s losing the business to the other guy.  After this call, I will fix her iphone so it synchs with her Apple watch, put her registration sticker on her Tesla and the registration in the glove box, process some online returns for her with LL Bean, package them up, upload tax documents to her CPA that came in, and find a travel reservation that she needs to adjust, but can’t locate the confirmation number. 

Yesterday I jumped my client’s car battery that had died.  His financial documents were in a side room off the garage the car was blocking. We sorted hazardous waste in his garage while we waited for the one car to charge the other.  It’s never just a straight financial organization.

Read more Stories from the Frontlines of Clutter


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