Random Acts of Kindness: Pay It Forward
This story is from our Stories from the Frontlines of Clutter series where we take you behind the scenes on a typical day at Life Easier. Click here to read more.
Recently we were working with one of Life Easier’s private clients, Alice, on a decluttering project and she had had some clear-lidded organizing boxes from TheContainerStore she wasn’t using.
Alice, who is 75 years old, couldn’t lift the nearly-new boxes once filled. Business Owner, Heidi, worked with Alice to find other options that would suit her needs.
Heidi also asked Alice if it would be okay to keep the boxes for her more budget constrained clients, rather than give them to a nonprofit?
Alice was thrilled to give the storage containers to Heidi and even more happy she might be helping a fellow Life Easier client.
Fast-forward a few months to when Ms K hired Life Easier to clear space in her living room and kitchen ahead of a home renovation that was needed to repair a mold problem and improve her health.
Ms K had suddenly become a widow and was on a budget. While it was urgent she do the renovation for her health, things became overwhelming with too many items & memories to go through.
She called Life Easier for help.
Heidi helped Ms K come up with a plan to declutter, downsize and store her “keep” items within Ms K’s budget.
During the project, Ms. K tiredly said, “What should I do with all these office supplies? Envelopes, paper, pens, etc! I need to keep them because I use them, but if I get rid of my filing cabinet where I was storing it then where do I put it?”
Heidi replied, “I have just the solution. My client, Alice, gave me some really nice storage containers from The Container Store and she wants you to have them – FREE, I can bring them tomorrow!”
At Life Easier, we are women helping women and kindness matters. One woman’s kindness helped another woman in this case and Life Easier got to link the two!