This story is from our Stories from the Frontlines of Clutter series where we take you behind the scenes on a typical day at Life Easier. Click here to read more.
Ms. W spread her arms out and shouted, “Spaaaaaaaaaaace!” as she twirled and beamed!
She may have been 65 years old, but in that moment she had the impish grin of a 5 year old spinning in her “new” dining room. Ms. W’s parents had passed years prior. In the wake of their deaths, she had inherited LOTS of files and their stuff. After bringing it into her home, she grieved, dealt with her own health issues, and then somehow she got stuck.
“I’m not really sure what happened” she said, “The house and everything in it just became overwhelming.”

At Life Easier, we pride ourselves in helping people get unstuck.
Now Ms W has her dining room back, but we made it a dining room/office now. Her table can double as a work space for paying bills or working on her laptop during the day and then at night switch over to a place she can enjoy a meal. She has a nice wide path to move in keeping her from tripping over a chair leg or a misplaced box.
Being unstuck reduces every day stress with our clients and we couldn’t be more happy to be part of that transformation.
If you need help getting unstuck, contact us today.